Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Real Men Don't" for 8/29/12

Periodically, the Brand New Old Man will enlighten the general public with rules for the red-blooded American male.  Feel free to live by these if you don't want to live a life void of all tact, class and manliness.

Real Men Don't...
-wear skinny jeans.
-say things like "There's too much cheese on this dish".
-watch Glee. For any reason.
-text things like LOL, ;-), or OMG.
-call a lawn service.
-use hair conditioner.
-say things like "There is too much meat on my plate".
-shirk their responsibility to vote
-switch team allegiances
-let their wives/girlfriends/mothers/sisters/any female open their own door.
-cry while there is another human being within 4 miles.  (There are addendums to this rule but that will have to be another post.)
-let a woman pay on a date.
-wear TOMS.  Ever.
-hit women.  You freaking coward.
-watch the 3rd strike.
-accept passivity.

So let it be written, so let it be done.


1 comment:

  1. I'd like to add an addendum: Acceptable jewelry is limited to a wedding band, a watch, and a family heirloom/sports award.
